Embark on an unforgettable journey where the main character, who has lost his memory, wakes up in a mysterious forest. Under the guidance of a wary elf, you discover a world divided between humans and demihumans. To earn trust, complete quests in demihuman territory, form alliances, and explore romantic relationships. Unravel the mysteries of your past while finding the delicate balance between love and looming conflict. In this thrilling adventure, every choice shapes your destiny and the fate of a fractured world on the brink of war.
Office Rivals is the second episode of Stories from the City of Heart, an anthology of individual VN episodes that chronicle the love, friendship, passion, and heartbreak of various characters living in a thriving city of arts and culture called the City of Hearts. You don't have to play Friendly Services to follow the Office Rivals story.
3D anime video Apocalypse Ep. 2 - Short haired blonde MILF wants to play tennis to warm up and get fucked hard on a hard cock ready to cum inside by SexHen.
You take on the role of Max, a student returning home for the holidays from boarding school. You feel something strange in your home, although you can't pinpoint it. It doesn't feel like this is your old pre-boarding school home. You try to ignore these emotions, but as events happen in the house, your resolve is tested. You want to trust, but you can't. Everything feels strange and you start asking questions of the people who matter most to you. Dark secrets come to light, whether they are yours or theirs. Even if you seem to be in control, it feels like someone else is in charge of things at home and you want to take charge of them.
The Day After takes you on an exciting journey full of unexpected twists and turns. Is your mother dead? Did your sister suffer the same fate? These are the answers that remain unknown. You believed that the world was normal until that fateful night when everything changed...
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