The story begins with the protagonist, who lost his parents at a young age, being taken in by a new family. This new family, while not related by blood, is a small, close-knit community that relies on each other. As the protagonist lives and grows with them, they share each other's lives and experiences. The unfolding relationships within this family and the events they face together form the central plot line.
Scared fearless is a visual novel for adults based on revenge. The action takes place in a medieval world filled with magic and monsters, and it is unknown what will happen. The main character, Lare, is a soldier with one huge flaw: he cannot feel fear. This causes him problems throughout the story. Should he take revenge on everyone who has wronged him? Or should he let it go and move on?
The story of a married couple who, through art, learn a lot about each other and themselves, as well as about sexuality that had previously eluded them. It's a slow burn with few but important choices for the couple as they navigate a path that may lead to sharing or swinging.
3D breast animation and puzzle solving! The second in the doll-service series! Check out the 3D animation, which has been further improved and made even more erotic than the previous work "Escape from the room with a doll-service"! Living in an apartment with Aisha, a busty service doll, solve puzzles and enjoy the service game!
This is a short kinetic novel. You play as a grieving husband who has lost his dear wife. It has been a long time since you lost her, but you still can't get over her death. Time has passed, but you are still stuck in the past. Thinking about the memories you shared with your wife You still blame yourself for her death for some reason. You refuse to face the harsh reality that she is gone. But how long can this go on? How long will you be in this state of suffering? Will you be able to find the help you need? Or maybe you'll drown in memories of better times?
Unlike its predecessor, THE YGGDRASILLS tries to focus on detailed interactions between multiple characters and the romantic story of the main characters. The main storyline of the game is very simple, the main character is looking for the truth about the death of his adoptive father. In contrast, we have intentionally added a lot of explorable elements to several locations on the map. They are not listed in the quest list and are meant to surprise and delight the player.
You once shared an unbreakable bond with [REDACTED], a bond so deep it defies explanation. But now your life is a dull, colorless existence, marred by a gnawing sense of loss you can't quite place.
I Think I Might Be a Little Psycho is an adult visual novel that explores morality and temptation. You play as a university student who thinks he might be a little psycho.
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In compliance with the Federal Labeling and Record-Keeping Law (also known as 18 U.S.C. 2257), all models located within our domain were 18 years of age or older during the time of photography. All models' proof of age is held by the custodian of records, which is listed below. All content and images are in full compliance with the requirements of 18 U.S.C. 2257 and associated regulations.