The story begins with the protagonist, who lost his parents at a young age, being taken in by a new family. This new family, while not related by blood, is a small, close-knit community that relies on each other. As the protagonist lives and grows with them, they share each other's lives and experiences. The unfolding relationships within this family and the events they face together form the central plot line.
Scared fearless is a visual novel for adults based on revenge. The action takes place in a medieval world filled with magic and monsters, and it is unknown what will happen. The main character, Lare, is a soldier with one huge flaw: he cannot feel fear. This causes him problems throughout the story. Should he take revenge on everyone who has wronged him? Or should he let it go and move on?
The story of a married couple who, through art, learn a lot about each other and themselves, as well as about sexuality that had previously eluded them. It's a slow burn with few but important choices for the couple as they navigate a path that may lead to sharing or swinging.
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