Info: In this epic sequel to Cowgirls and Vampires, the cowqirl tracks the source of the vampiress curse to Azika, Mexico, where she finds another cursed town and four deadly hot vampiras all under the command of Diaboline - a big breasted bloodsucker who is armed to the teeth! Complete Diaboline's various tests - including everything from arm wrestling to rough sex to drinking contest, in order to face the Vampire Queen herself after the showdown grab your stakes and find those coffins!
Info: You can play as Walter Riley or the succubus, Dionyza. This shall be a decent sized project, similar in size to my erotic tale, Slugs and Bugs. I will not be doing another release until it is fully completed. I will not be doing several releases as I finish chapters. There will be choices and bad ends, but in the introduction, it is straight forward and meant only to introduce the reader to my world.
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In compliance with the Federal Labeling and Record-Keeping Law (also known as 18 U.S.C. 2257), all models located within our domain were 18 years of age or older during the time of photography. All models' proof of age is held by the custodian of records, which is listed below. All content and images are in full compliance with the requirements of 18 U.S.C. 2257 and associated regulations.