Outcast is an animated story that combines adventure and survival in a devastated futuristic world. Follow the two protagonists as they face deadly dangers, uncover hidden secrets, and form unlikely alliances on their journey to the city of Haven. Each episode is filled with breathtaking animation and compelling stories designed to fully immerse viewers in this apocalyptic universe. Get ready to explore a world where hope is scarce and survival is a daily challenge.
In this dark and oppressive environment, you are unjustly imprisoned for being deemed unfit for the system. You are sent to the infamous Paradise Prison, a place where prisoners must fight for survival in a coliseum with live broadcasts of fights, a spectacle that can be deadly, with the promise that the best fighter will gain freedom from prison.
The world is divided into two sharply contrasting zones. The wasteland, marked by extreme poverty and the daily struggle for survival, lacks basic necessities. On the contrary, the capital is a paradise of luxury, wealth and advanced technology, offering every conceivable convenience. The difference between these zones is huge, the elite of the capital lives in wealth. The transition from the Wasteland to the Capital is rare and very desirable. The story tells of a man who has just made the transition, entering the luxurious world of the Capital.
The Charmer's Lost Memory is an addictive adult game that takes you on a journey of self-discovery and intimate connection. Plot: You wake up in an unfamiliar place, your memory is blank. Nobody knows who you are and you don't remember anything from your past. You go on a quest to piece together the fragments of your lost memories. Along the way, you develop close relationships with various characters.
When their detective agency is threatened with closure, our two heroes have no choice but to make a deal with the devil and temporarily become a subsidiary of a major competitor. But does their new boss have an ulterior motive? Will our heroes have to sacrifice their morals? What about their relationship? Only time will tell...
As the main character, you take on the role of a promising cadet in the final stages of his training at the prestigious Bluejay Academy in Eden. Along with your fellow cadets, you form a squad bound by duty and hardened by the fire of rigorous training to pilot the Spiders, advanced mechanical tanks that represent humanity's last hope against the leviathans. Every decision you make can mean the difference between survival and oblivion.
Megan lived an ordinary life in a village on the border of the Empire. She had been missing male attention for a long time. Under rather unusual circumstances, she met an injured elf who had no family at all. She decided to bring him to her home - just as Slaan had planned... Finor, that was the elf’s name, helped Megan in every possible way in exchange for “rewards.” Follow this story with the heroes to become one step closer to the path of the chosen one of Slaan!
In Facefuck Madness Reloaded, you take on the role of a former porn actor with a debilitating face fucking fetish. Use your professional skills to lure hot women into your harem of live toys! This remake of the original game completely reworks it: new mechanics, new texts, new features. And all this in 2D with fully animated and voice-acted H-scenes.
Atonia is a land of a dystopian future. A man and his wife narrowly escaped a disastrous raid and sack of their beloved community. Now they need to find a safe place to live. Along the way, they will meet a mysterious man who seems to have ulterior motives.
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In compliance with the Federal Labeling and Record-Keeping Law (also known as 18 U.S.C. 2257), all models located within our domain were 18 years of age or older during the time of photography. All models' proof of age is held by the custodian of records, which is listed below. All content and images are in full compliance with the requirements of 18 U.S.C. 2257 and associated regulations.